Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I love when Chanel makes messes in my home

Call me crazy but I'm starting to love when Chanel makes messes in my home.

 No I don't enjoy cleaning everything up for the fifth time, mostly the movies. No I don't love finding pieces of garbage under the couch that she dug out of the trash can. I do not want to find another shoe missing out of my closet and drug to hers, or another roll of toilet paper taken from under the sink and dipped in the toilet, AGAIN!

The reason I love when my child makes messes in my home is because its taught me to appreciate all the good times I get to have with her. All the laughs she gives me, and all the little quirks she does when I start to get angry just so she can get out of trouble. She's only little for so long, so even though there's little grubby hand prints all over my t.v. I love seeing them.
 I have a hard time cleaning them off because I know, they will never be this cute and tiny size tomorrow, they will have grown. So for now, I'm slowing down and becoming more patient with the messes. I'm learning to appreciate the precious time that I have with her and her hugs while she's not "too cool for mom".

Friday, July 25, 2014

My hobby through a lense

So I have decided to get brave recently and start getting more serious about taking pictures. I guess I have always been the type that thrives off of others smiles and seeing something I do making them happy. I LOVE compliments (who doesn't) and being able to learn and grow with my hobbies. Photography gives me all that. I love being able to offer something to friends, family, and soon-to-be friends that I can also get something out of as much as they are. I am definitely not perfect at it but I love that I can strive to be! Not only do I love the people but I love to hold the tiny baby, and the little buddies hand. I get to experience something different every time!
I am recently working on creating a backdrop stand and I am so excited to see a dream become a reality! Jordan has also agreed to help me build my stand (big mistake!?), what a stud! My husband has been so good to let me take over the downstairs with all my "junk" and collections that make my pictures beautiful. I must say, my husband is pretty great in being supportive. Even when I've got some crazy idea or am discussing something not too interesting, to him at least, I know he listens and I know he's got my back. And he also comes with opinions and advice!
I am always on the hunt for fun props and backdrops and "secret" locations for pictures. It makes it almost a treasure hunt for me and I must admit that I get a thrill and rush of adrenaline after finding the goodie I was after, or sometimes the ones I wasn't.

Monday, May 26, 2014

My little sister Paige

This weekend has been pretty crazy. I am getting to the realization that my little sister is no longer in elementary school... I haven't even began to fathom the idea that she actually has just graduated high school. It's depressing and exciting all at the same time. She has been such a good influence to me, and has made me want to be a better example everyday for her. She is a beautiful person inside and out. My little sister is such a cool kid and I want to be her friend. She is the girl I would've looked up to in school. She is that awesome. Paige not only is a beauty, she can sing, she can play tennis like a pro, she has organizational skills like no one I know, and she is a perfectionist. AND, she LOVES Disney. Which leads me into my next topic. I don't know how I should feel, I don't like the idea but I am so excited for her. My baby sister is going to be moving to California to work at the happiest place on earth. Yep, she's going to Disneyland! I have no idea where she got the bravery but I'm a little jealous. okay, I am A LOT jealous. I have always secretly wanted to be a princess at Disneyland. I don't know if that's what she really will be doing, but I know she will be awesome at what ever she gets a job to do. Even if its passing out churros at the Matterhorn. YO-DA-LAY-HE-HOO.
All in all I guess I wanted to give a small shout out the one of the most cool sisters I could have. I am blessed to call her my sister, and I know what ever road Paige chooses, it's going to be great!

Monday, May 19, 2014

I have a problem....

So I know I have been slacking on my blog, I blame it on having a child, good excuse right?
I've noticed I have been so tied up in the next big thing I want to do or what plans I want to make and I have started to push good out of my life. I need a change. but the first step in solving a problem is realizing there is one right?
 We never have had cable or satellite but, I noticed I was glued to amazon prime. why not? It's got tons of free shows, movies, KID SHOWS! AND... free shipping on amazons website with a yearly subscription. Looking back I have been pretty selfish with my time. Our house has not been a home (messes), I have had no gumption to cook fresh meals like I did, and Chanel just wasn't getting as much time as she deserves, especially since Jordan is such a hard worker, I get the privilege of being home with her all day. I don't know, I guess you get so wrapped up in the next idea from pinterest, or project, or the silly pitty parties of what you don't have, you forget what you do have right in front of you. So I've made a change. I've decided I need to unplug a little. I'm cutting down t.v. time. I admit I have a problem, a problem with overlooking my own life and letting it get so crazy I have no control.
I'm making an effort to do a little more service. I don't consider myself completely selfish, but the time I spend on my phone or in front of the t.v. I could be spending on others who could use even just a little help. Of course family comes first, but I also want to give more. I want to use my precious time for good, not for idle things.
I've also taken on the challenge of the 100 days happy and I can already notice the difference in my life and I challenge you to do the same. Even if you don't post on facebook or where ever else, try to find one good thing a day that puts a smile on your face or something you could do to feel accomplished. It gets easier as each day passes I promise. You will notice a difference!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

3 months old...already?!?

It has been so bitter sweet these past three months.
Some things Chanel has learned:
  • how to sleep most of the night. (Your parents thank you)
  • how to take a pacifier (again thank you)
  • how to kick, and kick extremely well
  • how to coo (love it)
  • putting her legs up when I unzip her jammies in the morning. She knows when there is a clean diaper coming and she LOVES a clean bum.
  • how to hold her head up. Still kinda wobbly but she's getting better.
  • how to get food, AND QUICK.
  • and my favorite of all, how to smile. She has the sweetest smile and dimples they just make you melt.
She loves cuddling still, and loves being with her mommy(in every room, all the time). She also loves when daddy comes home. We've also just figured out, she LOVES the cartoon Arthur. Arthur has been my saving grace to get anything done because she's decided to take only thirty minute naps. She also loves changing her clothes. After her diaper change, I usually will change her and she gets so excited and wiggly when her jammies come off and an outfit is on. I'm glad she's ok with hair bows (for now) because I have loved dressing up my beautiful baby doll.
It sometimes makes me sad to think that she's already doing things and outgrowing her clothes, but thinking of what's to come makes me so excited for me. Definitely bitter sweet.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

welcome to the world Chanel

June 11th, 2013 is a day that has ultimately changed my life for ever and always. The most perfect, precious, beautiful, amazing "thing" got placed in my arms.

Chanel Paige Weaver was born at 3:47 p.m., weighed 5 lb 6 oz and was 19 inches long. With a head full of hair and some of the prettiest features I've ever seen.

My labor, is something I will never forget. I went in for a non-stress test just to check on her and make sure she was doing good around 11:00 a.m.. Everything looked great and healthy about her, I of course ask about how much closer I was to seeing my baby, I was told I was dialated to a 4 and it could be a few days. They continued to monitor me for a while; the nurse came back in and asked, "would you like to be induced?" my immediate reaction was YES, being 39 weeks and 3 days I was getting anxious and feeling pretty ready. Being ready and actually being prepared for what was to come is pretty different in my book. by the time they had me hooked to an I.V. I had dialated to a 5-6 on my own. They started the dose of Pitocin and I immediately thought, hey I can handle this, no terrible pain, it's just a little uncomfortable. My doctor came in and broke my water, after about 2 contractions I was singing a different tune and was ready for that wonderful epidural. I was given the epidural at 2:45, the guy who gave me my epidural was great, I just went so quickly after my water breaking it couldn't keep up. Man, I tell ya, I will never EVER complain of cramps again. The only thought that kept running through my mind was, "why do women willingly sign up for this?" After the pushing and labor process was over, I now understand why. The second my little angel was placed in my arms, (my mom was right),"you would do it over and over again for that baby". Now I'm not saying I'm antsy to be expecting again any time soon, and definitely don't want to do the whole labor thing soon, but I would go through all of that 50 times over for my sweet little Chanel.



After meeting her, they took her to the nursery to do some quick tests to make sure everything was good and took me to my room. That's when I realized the whole " you wont get any sleep" thing everyone was saying was true. I was such a nervous mom (still am).
The next day was one big party, but my favorite part was seeing my two nephews meet her for the first time. They absolutely adore her! After Aiden held her for a few minutes he had put two and two together and asked Nickole, "Can we go to Disneyland now? I want to go today." I'm guessing she tried giving him a time frame that after baby was born we could go on our family trip. Sorry bud, two more months.

It took Liam a little time to warm up but once he did, he is totally amused by her.
The next thing I'm going to brag about is this guy!
He stuck by my side the ENTIRE time, let me squeeze his hand to the point of changing colors, and even woke up with me every time I needed help which is completely selfless in my book because I know how much he loves his sleep. My husband is one of the greatest daddy's in the world already, and is completely wrapped around his little girls finger. I love hearing him talk to her, compliment her, and seeing him give such sweet kisses. He's willing to change a poopy diaper and always ready to comfort or snuggle. He is super patient, especially when I'm at the end of my wire and wake him up at 2:00 in the morning, and humbles me when I hear such sweet words to comfort her that early (or late) in the morning. 

This was her coming home outfit, laying on the pretty blanket grandma Fawn made her. She just wanted to be snuggled.
I just had to take a picture when we got home because I am so in love with her fuzzy hair.

Already one week old, yesterday. Please slow down time!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I can see the finish line, but not my toes!

    So I had been really hesitant to post the "belly picture" because I know there's a time and place for these types of pictures. Giggle all you want at how "lumpy" my bump is, I have a few times.

 20 weeks

 21 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks

24 weeks

25 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks

28 weeks

30 weeks

32 weeks

34 weeks
More to come, hopefully not too many more!